By participating in any event, panel, or activity related to AlmaCon, you agree to the these rules.
Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to and including your removal from Alma College property and/or legal action
Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to and including your removal from Alma College property and/or legal action
General Rules
Saturday 9am - 1am
Sunday 9am - 5pm
AlmaCon attendees may not be on campus outside of these hours.
Harassment Policies
Prop Policies
College Policies
- The official times for AlmaCon are
Saturday 9am - 1am
Sunday 9am - 5pm
AlmaCon attendees may not be on campus outside of these hours.
- Please no lewd outfits. This is a family friendly convention. All outfits must be street legal. If a staff member asks you to change, please be respectful and do so.
- Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All minors are the responsibility of their parents/guardians. AlmaCon does not take responsibility for unattended minors.
- Do not block/stand in doorways. Please try to keep the hallways clear. If you wish to take a photo with another con member, please do so in an area that doesn’t impede traffic.
- Illegal activities are still illegal at the convention. If anyone is caught breaking the law, their badge will be revoked without a refund, the police will be called, and they will be asked to leave Alma College campus.
- Please practice personal hygiene; Fan funk will not be tolerated. We will ask you to leave until the problem is resolved. There are hygiene products in the Staff/ConOps room for attendees to use.
- Signs are permitted so long as they do not take up excessive space so as to impede vision or movement, include sexual references or requests, request money, sell products or services (any other forms of soliciting are also not tolerated), contain explicit language, etc.
- Please respect other con members privacy and personal space. Please ask before taking a photo or touching another guest.
- Bullying and harassment (sexual or otherwise) will not be tolerated. People who violate others’ space, privacy, property, or person will be ejected from the event with no refund. Staff or Security can and will contact local law enforcement if warranted. For more information see the Harassment Policies section.
- No sleeping in common areas.
- If an AlmaCon staff member, volunteer, or Alma College Security asks you to adhere to a policy, please do so.
- For the safety of everyone involved with AlmaCon, If an individual that is asked to leave refuses to leave, their badge will be revoked without a refund and the police will be called.
- Keep all activities in the common areas to a PG-13 level. If you are at an 18+ panel, please remember to still be respectful.
- Please use a trash can to dispose of all trash.
- If your costume has loose parts (ex. Feathers, glitter, etc.) please do your best to clean up after yourself
- Try not to make a mess of the bathrooms. The less mess you leave behind, the less other guests have to deal with.
- Please be respectful to Alma College property and Alma College students, as this is where they live and work and study. However if you are being harassed by an Alma College student, please report it to security or AlmaCon staff
- Do not cross the boundaries of the convention space
Harassment Policies
- Treat all individuals with respect. Any inappropriate behavior or language will not be tolerated. Repeated failure to abide by this rule will result in the individual’s badge being revoked without refund and their removal from AlmaCon
- Cosplay is not consent. If someone asks you to stop any unwanted attention, you must comply. Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave AlmaCon
- Be respectful of everyone’s hobbies, interests, and feelings. AlmaCon is meant to be a place for everyone to have fun. As such we will not tolerate any discrimination based on a person’s interests, hobbies, lifestyle, appearance, speech, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, etc.
- If you feel you have been harassed by an attendee, vendor, special guest, volunteer, staff member, campus security member, or anyone else, please go to the Registration/Information Desk located in SAC lobby immediately in order to file a complaint. All complaints will be dealt with promptly and equally.
Prop Policies
- All AlmaCon guests MUST check weapons/weapon-like props in when getting registered. If the prop does not pass safety requirements, guests may leave it with staff members to be reclaimed when they leave the convention. Props that do pass MUST be marked with a green zip-tie visible from 10 feet away to show that the prop has been authorized.
- No weapons of any kind are allowed at AlmaCon, including but not limited to: live steel weapons, real guns, flash powder, explosives, etc.
- Fake guns/projectile launchers must have an orange tip and must be clearly recognizable as a toy/prop. These props must have their triggers disabled (either mechanically or via a zip-tie) and must be unloaded. Any ammunition that a guest might have for a prop gun/projectile launcher may be given to AlmaCon staff and reclaimed upon leaving the convention.
- All realistic-looking weapons must be without sharp (injury causing) edges. Non-sharpened wooden blades and soft prop weapons (such as foam props) are allowed under the condition that they are not to be swung, brandished, or else used to injure. Posing is allowed in appropriate, non-crowded areas. NO METAL PROPS WILL BE ALLOWED AT ALMACON.
- BATTLING WITH WEAPONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT ALMACON. Poses including clashing weapons are allowed however.
- Props must either be held below waist level or sheathed at all times unless posing. For oversized props or props that require special consideration, please send an email including a description of your prop (with pictures), along with those special considerations to [email protected]
- Anyone who misuses their props, causes damage to Alma College or AlmaCon property, or else violates these guidelines may be relieved of their prop or else be asked to leave the convention without refund.
College Policies
- Alcohol is not permitted at AlmaCon or on Alma College premises. If anyone is found to be over intoxicated, they will be asked to leave the convention with someone who is able to ensure their safety.
- Anyone caught with alcohol will have it confiscated by security, and they will be asked to leave the convention.
- Anyone under the age of 21 that is caught with alcohol or is intoxicated will have their badge revoked without a refund and asked to leave the convention after the police have been notified and disciplinary actions have been taken.
- Illegal drugs and narcotics will not be tolerated. Anyone caught using or possessing such items will have their badge revoked without a refund and the police will be called.
- Smoking inside of buildings is not tolerated. The minimum distance from any of the buildings one can smoke is 25 feet. This includes e-cigarettes
- Willful or careless misuse, damage, or destruction of property belonging to AlmaCon or Alma College will not be tolerated
- AlmaCon and Alma College is not responsible for destruction, damage, and/or loss of your personal property and therefore not liable for said destruction, damage, or loss.